Dabell is..
Since 1977, for more than 40 years, we have been doing our business in musical instrument industry. It was mainly manufacturing of products for guitars.
In 2011, we established Dabell in South Korea and extended our business to different kinds of musical instruments, such as, harmonicas, melodicas, recorders, glockenspiels, etc. Especially, in 2015, we started to produce high quality premium harmonicas with a high level of attention to detail, and we are getting great reviews from the players all over the world.
Since the establishment, we have actively enhanced our production with an uncompromising commitment to quality, innovation and usability. As a result, we ourselves are able to produce high quality musical instrument in Korea.
Today, our company motto remains the same as when we started our company : Challenge and Innovation, to make products of the best quality and highest customer satisfaction. To do this, we always check our molds and equipment, and if there is anything that needs to be improved, we never hesitate investing on it.
We are doing our best to provide you with supreme quality and satisfaction.
When you speak, Dabell listens. Where there is your need, we will go.
We always appreciate your unceasing support.
Thank you.